A Method to Distinguish and Grade the Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury to Mild, Moderate or Severe
The present invention disclosed a panel and a method to distinguish and grade the severity of brain injury to mild, moderate of severe by determining the increase or decrease concentration level of a novel combination of serum biomarkers selected from group of Fibronectin or Vitronectin, Kininogen and Apolipoprotein E. In a specific embodiment, the method comprising steps of obtaining a blood sample from a patient exposed to head trauma; separating a serum from the blood sample; determining the concentration level of the said novel serum biomarkers and grading the severity of brain injury based on the increase or decrease concentration level of the novel serum biomarker. The panel and method according to present invention is able to complement the existing Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of traumatic brain injury.
Orang yang boleh dihubungi untuk tawaran ini:
Lee Ching Shya
Pegawai Perniagaan UMCIC Universiti Malaya
e-mel: leecs@um.edu.my
Tel: +603-7967-7351/7352