Composite Flooring Using V-Shaped Shear Connector
The present invention relates to an improved shear connector for use with a steel I-beam in compliance with the requirements of standards or regulations that can help improve stiffness and strength of the steel I-beam to a concrete slab in composite floor. The shear connector preferably comprises a pair of planar sides forming a V-shaped cavity with two opposing end portions configured for engaging the concrete at an angle of less than or equal to 45 degree relative to a surface of the pair of flange plates and the V-shaped cavity is arranged in a downwardly facing direction confronting the surface.
Orang yang boleh dihubungi untuk tawaran ini:
Lee Ching Shya
Pegawai Perniagaan UMCIC Universiti Malaya
e-mel: leecs@um.edu.my
Tel: +603-7967-7351/7352