Electrodeposition Bath and Method Of Electrodepositing Tin-Bismuth Alloy
The present invention disclosed an interactive electronic continued professional development (ie-CPD) system which is an online training system for teachers to enhance their competency, professionalisms, skills and knowledge that comprising an authentication unit, a teacher system unit, a notification system, a Ministry of Education system unit, a database unit, an administration unit, a retrieve unit. The teacher system unit is further configured with a training unit, an activity unit, and a communication unit. The training unit is configured to interacting with: an analysis unit that configured to provide an analysis on courses and tests taken and evaluate credit hour of the courses taken and the test results of the courses taken; and a reward unit configured to provide a certificate for completed courses and tests which further comprises of institutional reward and personal reward.
Orang yang boleh dihubungi untuk tawaran ini:
Lee Ching Shya
Pegawai Perniagaan UMCIC Universiti Malaya
e-mel: leecs@um.edu.my
Tel: +603-7967-7351/7352